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Advantages Of Whitelisting Software

The Advantages Of Using Whitelisting Software

March 27th, 2019 | By

Introduction There are times that you can’t access some websites in your web browser. You also can’t access some applications at work. What you can only access are the ones provided on your desktop. A whitelisting software put these restrictions in place. To protect your net...


Why Is Cyber Security For Business Important

March 25th, 2019 | By

Introduction Why is it that big corporations always hit the headlines whenever there’s hacking news? Why don’t we hear anything about the small businesses? Why is cyber security for business important? Cybercriminals target big corporations because they have the money and re...

backoff malware

The Best Point of Sale Protection Software in 2019

March 5th, 2019 | By

Today, a Point of Sale (POS) system is one of the important factors of running any successful store. It is more capable of efficiently integrating with various back-end systems and offers many deployment options – they are easy to install, set up and use. The latest POS syst...

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